Annisa Deliza, Ervina Nasution, Khoirunissa Wardi


Measuring learning is an essential part of every teacher's job. Teachers need to check students' understanding, parents, students, and leaders need to know how students are performing as a whole to help them successfully prepare for college and work. Assessments delivered using technology can also provide a more complete and nuanced picture of students' needs, interests, and abilities than traditional assessments, allowing educators to personalize learning. This study aims to understand the pedagogical competence of teachers and to understand the development of bold learning. Through embedded assessments, educators can see evidence of student thinking during the learning process and provide near real-time feedback via the learning dashboard so they can take action in real time. Families can find out more about what and how their children study during the school day. In the long term, educators, schools, districts, states and nations can use information to support continuous improvement and innovation in learning. Technology-enabled tools can also support teacher evaluation and coaching. These tools record videos and other evidence of quality teaching such as teamwork and collaboration.
Keyword: Education, learning, pedagogic, online class

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