Alfani Irianti, Aulia Mardiana, Biaggi Aprilliansyah Putra, Diana Paskalisa, Ratnawati Susanto


This study focuses and critically analyzes the contribution of micro-teaching on teacher attitude according to pre-service teachers’ opinions based on their teaching practice program. The program was implemented at SD Mutiara Kasih to prepare pre-service teachers. This research investigates that if there are any differences about pre-service teachers’ views after engagement of micro-teaching practices. The members of the study group have been chosen from preservice English teachers through deviant case sampling which is one of the purposive methods. The pedagogical developments of the teacher candidates are to be evaluated by recording microteaching practice in study. Microteaching has been widely used in pre-service teacher education programs to enhance prospective teachers’ instructional experiences. Within ELT programs, the use of microteaching offers valuable opportunities for trainee-teachers to develop effective teaching strategies. Understanding the perceptions and concerns of student teachers is crucial for promoting teacher education programs’ outcomes.
Keywords: Microteaching, Developing Pedagogical, English teacher, Preservice.



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