Jatmiko Jatmiko, Ari Anggarani WPT, sugiyanto sugiyanto, Adrie Putra


The main objective of community service is to create a conceptual model construction of a marketing program that is able to form Customer Loyalty based on Customer Satisfaction in the Transportation industry to increase the ability to compete in maintaining loyal customers and reaching new customers. For companies with Customer Loyalty-based marketing programs, they will be able to maintain the company's sustainability and maximize profits. Companies must know how the pattern of Customer Loyalty is formed based on Customer Satisfaction in the E-Commerce-based Transportation industry, based on brand image and service quality. The method offered is to design a marketing program in accordance with the current conditions or competitiveness of the product / company in facing industrial competition. The analytical methods used in mapping the company's competitive ability are SWOT, BCG, ADL, and PLC analysis. This analysis tool will provide an overview of the company's competitive position in the industry, in the future, which market to target, and how to achieve it. The results obtained from these analysis tools provide an overview of industry competition in the Product Life Cycle (PLC) in a position of growth, while the competitive position of the industry is favorable. So in the future, Growth companies with an industry competitive position will go to Strong. This marketing program strategy must be designed to form Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty.

Keywords : Customer Loyalty, SWOT, BCG, ADL, PLC.

Tujuan utama pengabdian mayarakat adalah menciptakan konstruksi model konsepsual program pemasaran yang mampu membentuk Customer Loyalty berdasarkan Customer Satisfaction pada industri Transportasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bersaing dalam mepertahankan pelanggan setia dan meraih pelanggan baru. Bagi perusahaan dengan program pemasaran berbasis Customer Loyalty, akan dapat menjaga sustainability perusahaan dan memaksimalkan keuntungan. Perusahaan harus mengetahui bagaimana pola terbentuknya Customer Loyalty berdasarkan Customer Satisfaction pada industry Transportasi berbasis E-Comerce, berdasarkan brand image dan service quality. Metoda yang ditawarkan adalah mendesain program pemasaran sesuai dengan kondisi atau kemampuan bersaing dari produk/perusahaan saat ini dalam menghadapi persaingan industrinya. Metoda analisis yang di pakai dalam memetakan kemampuan bersaing perusahaan adalah analisis SWOT, BCG, ADL, dan PLC. Alat analisis ini akan memberikan gambaran tentang posisi bersaing perusahaan dalam industrinya, di masa yang akan datang, pasar mana yang dituju, dan bagaimana cara mencapainya. Hasil yang diperoleh dari alat analisis tersebut memberikan gambaran persaingan industry dalam Product Life Cycle (PLC) berada pada posisi Growth, sedangkan posisi bersaing industri berada pada favorable. Maka di masa mendatang perusahaan Growth dengan posisi bersaing industrinya menuju Strong. Strategi program pemasaran inilah yang harus didesain agar terbentuk Customer Satisfaction dan Customer Loyalty.

Kata kunci : Customer Loyalty, SWOT, BCG, ADL, PLC

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