Welcome to The 1st National Nursing Conference Universitas Esa Unggul
We are delighted to welcome you at the 1st National Nursing Conference Universitas Esa Unggul to be held in Jakarta Barat, Indonesia, 27-28 September 2019. This event will bring together multidisciplinary health researcher, nursing expert, nursing researcher, healthcare professional, nursing educator, and students in Indonesia. We expext to create a great program to disseminate inspiration and inovation as well as research findings from not only nursing field but also multidisciplinary health professional regarding homecare based evidence and technology development. During the conference, the scientific programs consist of keynote speeches, workshop, plenary sessions and research presentation. We look forward to your attendance and participation and we hope that the conference will provide stimulating research development, networking and cooperation.
Best Regards,
The Chief of Committee
Anita Sukarno, S.Kep., Ns., M.sc