Azmi Randu Farhani, Yuditha Natalia Binsasi, Armitha Handayani


This research was carried out to invent the problems of the English-speaking anxiety of senior high school students in Indonesia. Several studies have reported that senior high school students show that they lack speaking skills in the EFL region, particularly in Indonesia. To decompose data, we use the Meta-Analysis Process. The findings showed that there are five major barriers to the English-speaking anxiety of senior high school students in Indonesia, made up of (1) lack of knowledge of vocabulary, (2) grammar as a stumbling block, (3) fear of others' negative reactions, (4) low bravery when speaking publicly in English, (5) anxiety when speaking English. Suggestions and effects are discussed as well, that the teacher should be more aware of student's anxiety in order to arouse students' motivation to speak up confidently and fluently in English speaking in Indonesia.
Keywords: Students, speaking, anxiety.

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