Chelsea Indy Karisma, Yona Dwi Yolanda, Zussron Abigael


The COVID-19 pandemic that currently facing in Indonesia has an impact on the existing education system, such as a change from conventional learning to online learning. This raises questions about the pedagogical readiness of a teacher in the teaching and learning process. The aim of this study to analyze teacher pedagogical competence in facing online classes in pandemic era. This research was conducted using qualitative research. The data collection was carried out by taking it from the questionnaire we made on Google Form which was filled in by the teacher that we analyze, after that we collected the answers from the questions that we made to get to know the result. The results showed that the teacher was still in the stage of adapting to teaching and learning activities carried out by e-learning or online classes. Besides that the teacher still doesn't know how to overcome the difficulties faced when online classes are conducted.
Keywords: Teacher, Pedagogic, Teaching, Learning

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