Desnita Desnita, Rizka Hardianti, Wulandari Pasaribu


The world is frightened by the Coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak, Indonesia is no exception. Therefore, the Indonesian government has taken several policies to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. Its main policy is to prioritize health and safety. Work, worship, and Study From Home (SFH). Recently, we revealed that the Coronavirus has had a profound impact on the world of education. This study aimed to obtain the impact of online learning methods on students’ behavior during pandemic COVID-19. COVID-19 affects to education fields, especially the effect on children which requires them to learned from home and using virtual face-to-face school. The effect of this virtual encounter is causing children to feel bored and spend more time playing. Many students feel overwhelmed by the tasks given from school. This virtual learning requires technology such as laptops and smartphones to access scheduled learning videos. However, this also has an impact due to economic hardship in pandemic conditions caused by many parents who lose their jobs and of course cause stress. Parents are required to be able to educate their children at home in accordance with the direction of the teaching staff and of course the burden on parents is increasing.
Keywords: COVID-19, Learning, Method, Students, School

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