Balqis Azzahra, Sekar Galuh Wahyu Vernanda, Rika Maisyah, Fillah Pertiwi Imansari


The various learning models in Indonesia that are best known to the Indonesian people are the unit level curriculum (KTSP) and the 2013 curriculum, which are aimed to helping progress of education in Indonesia in the 12 years of compulsory education. This research carry out the discovery of real effect of the implementation of learning method in Indonesia namely,the education unit level curriculum (SBC) and curriculum in 2013 to knowing comparison between curriculum 2006 to 2013 from several viewpoints of students and teachers within the scope of quality as well as how to learn student with social and character. This activity also aims support the opinions that already exist on the curriculum 2013 and 2006 curriculum in the poin of view of the students and the other in some aspects such as time, learning and teaching, social skills and contextual learning materials quantity and quality . This research was conducted through virtual communication via cell phones as well as social media and in person as interviews with a total of 50 students and teachers in Indonesia. The essence of this finding is that there are more individuals agreeing to KTSP with a total of 32 students and teachers compared to the 2013 curriculum with a total of 17 students.
Keywords: Curriculum, active student, learning, study method, character

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