Bella Satriya Surya Ananda Putri, Addina Putri Mazaya, Elisa Yolanda, Ratnawati Susanto


Fun learning is learning that has creativity by using various learning methods. These efforts are
used to make it easier for students to capture the content of the material, especially for low
grades. This study aims to determine how the availability of teaching materials and learning
media are used by teachers, as well as the teacher's efforts in utilizing learning media in
elementary schools. Comparing the learning media used by teachers who teach in urban areas
and rural areas, the differences are not too significant. The media used in each school is quite
varied, this is done to attract students' interest in learning, and apply existing technology into the
world of education. The method used is qualitative research, where to take research data using
the interview method and make direct observations to the school. The research was conducted in
three schools, namely SDN Pondok Pucung 01, SDN Tegal Alur 15 Pagi, and MIN 2 Kaur. The
results of this study indicate that SDN Pondok Pucung 01, SDN Tegal Alur 15 Pagi, and MIN 2
Kaur. Indeed, it still does not have a variety of learning media. Innovation is still needed to
increase teacher creativity so that the learning media that will be used will develop
Keywords: Learning Media, Elementary School, Low Class

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