Yuli Asmi Rozali, ElFajri Yashirly


During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities were implementing a new learning system, that is online lectures. There are a various of new assertion for some student, such as too difficult in online lectures, more assignment, difficult to understand online materials, and it was so difficult to have a direct discussions with friends, so it raised academic adjustment problem. That is one thing related to academic adjustment, that is self-regulated learning. The purpose of this research to know about a correlation between self-regulated learning and academic adjustment in students was having online lectures. The research used quantitative-correlational with purposive sampling technique for 100 students. The measuring instrument for self-regulated learning is 26 valid items with a value (α) = 0.884 and academic adjustment is 21 valid items with a value (α) = 0.874. The result showed that there is a significant positive correlation between self-regulated learning and academic adjustment in students online lectures, in Jakarta. Self-regulated learning contributed 40.32% to academic adjustment and the remaining 59.68% by other factors. In this research, more students with good academic adjustment came from female students, private universities, and supported by their parents. Meanwhile, more student with poor academic adjustment came from students who have study partners. In addition, more student with high self-regulated learning came from private university student, supported by their parents, and have study partners.
Keywords: Self-Regulated Learning, Academic Adjustment, Students, Online Lectures


Di masa pandemi COVID-19, perguruan tinggi menerapkan sistem pembelajaran baru yaitu kuliah online. Berbagai tuntutan baru yang dialami beberapa mahasiswa seperti kesulitan dalam menjalani kuliah online, tugas yang lebih banyak, sulit memahami materi online, dan sulit berdiskusi langsung dengan teman memunculkan masalah penyesuaian akademik. Salah satu hal yang berkaitan dengan penyesuaian akademik adalah self-regulated learning. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan self-regulated learning dengan penyesuaian akademik pada mahasiswa yang menjalani kuliah online. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif-korelasional dengan teknik purposive sampling terhadap 100 mahasiswa. Alat ukur self-regulated learning yang digunakan berjumlah 26 aitem valid dengan nilai (α) = 0,884 dan penyesuaian akademik berjumlah 21 aitem valid dengan nilai (α) = 0,874. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signikan antara self-regulated learning dengan penyesuaian akademik pada mahasiswa yang menjalani kuliah online di Jakarta. Self-regulated learning berkontribusi sebesar 40,32% terhadap penyesuaian akademik dan sisanya 59,68% oleh faktor lain. Dalam penelitian ini, mahasiswa dengan penyesuaian akademik baik lebih banyak berasal dari mahasiswa berjenis kelamin perempuan, perguruan tinggi swasta, dan didukung orang tua. Sedangkan mahasiswa dengan penyesuaian akademik buruk lebih banyak berasal dari mahasiswa yang memiliki teman belajar. Selain itu, mahasiswa dengan self-regulated learning tinggi lebih banyak berasal dari mahasiswa perguruan tinggi swasta, didukung orang tua, dan memiliki teman belajar.
Kata kunci: Self-Regulated Learning, Penyesuaian Akademik, Mahasiswa, Kuliah Online

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