Aspek Keamanan Informasi dalam Penerapan Rekam Medis Elektronik di Klinik Medical Check-Up MP

Diva Rizky Amanda Tiorentap, Hosizah Hosizah


Electronic medical records are a form of evidence of advances in information technology in health services. In an effort to maintain the security and confidentiality of information on electronic medical records, ISO 27001 states that the ideal information system must cover have 3 aspects, namely these are confidentiality, integrity and availability. The purpose of this study was is to determine the aspects of information security in the application of electronic medical records in the MP Medical Check-Up clinic based on Gap Analysis: Status of ISO 27001 Implementation - Checklist. This study is a qualitative descriptive study using observation and interview methods. The results of the study shows that the percentage of information security achievement based on the checklist assessment is a) 60% privacy aspects, b) 31% integrity aspects, c) 48% authentication aspects, d) availability 25 %, e) Aspects of access control (access control) 56%, f) Aspects of non-repudiation (non repudiation) 33%. This is due to the absence of an ISO 27001 audit and no official internal audit. The findings (gaps) that occur are only discussed in a meeting and resolved on the spot. So then, the suggestions that can be proposed are to immediately carry out an internal and external audit of the MP clinical information system in accordance with ISO 27001, improve rules in flowcharts to reduce data crashes such as data duplication and so on, as well as affirmation and commitment to the importance of maintaining information system security to all users.
Keywords: Electronic Medical Records, Information security, ISO 27001

Rekam medis elektronik merupakan salah satu bentuk bukti kemajuan teknologi informasi dalam layanan kesehatan. Dalam upaya menjaga keamanan dan kerahasiaan informasi pada rekam medis elektronik, ISO 27001 menyatakan bahwa sistem informasi yang ideal harus mencakup 3 aspek yakni confidentiality, integrity dan availability. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui aspek keamanan informasi dalam penerapan rekam medis elektronik di klinik Medical Check-Up MP berdasarkan Gap Analysis : Status of ISO 27001 Implementation – Checklist. Studi ini merupakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa persentase pencapaiaan keamanan informasi berdasarkan penilaian checklist adalah a) Aspek kerahasiaan (privacy) 60%, b) Aspek integritas (integrity) 31%, c) Aspek autentikasi (authentication) 48%, d) Aspek ketersediaan (availability) 25%, e) Aspek kontrol akses (access control) 56%, f) Aspek nir-sangkal (non repudiation) 33%. Hal ini disebabkan oleh belum dilakukannya audit ISO 27001 dan belum dilakukannya audit internal secara resmi, temuan (gap) yang terjadi hanya dibahas melalui meeting dan diselesaikan saat itu juga. Maka, saran yang dapat diusulkan adalah segera dilakukan audit internal maupun eksternal terhadap sistem informasi klinik MP sesuai dengan ISO 27001, perbaikan rule dalam flowchart untuk mengurangi data crash seperti duplikasi data dan sebagainya, serta penegasan dan komitmen akan pentingnya menjaga keamanan sistem informasi kepada seluruh user.
Kata Kunci: Rekam Medis Elektronik, Keamanan informasi, ISO 27001


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